Bit of news before I start my usual pre-amble... Movie Mix will be closed for a much-needed refit starting on Monday 30th June. We are unsure how long we will be closed for but at the moment we are anticipating being open by the following Saturday at the latest. Watch this space for updates and news about our grand opening!
This week we have five new releases including Stallone's Rambo, can he still pull it off? If we are to believe the hype, then yes he can! Give it a go and make up your own mind. See below for details of all new films and watch the trailers.

Sylvester Stallone pulls on the camo one more time as Vietnam vet John Rambo takes on the Burmese military. Since helping the mujahedeen rid Afghanistan of the Russians, John Rambo (Stallone) has been living a quiet life in northern Thailand, trapping poisonous snakes to sell to local entertainers. But when a group of human rights missionaries pleads with him to ferry them upstream to Burma to re-supply the oppressed Karen tribe, Rambo reluctantly agrees. A few weeks later however, word filters through that the missionaries have been taken hostage by the Burmese military, who are using them as pawns in their local war. Knowing the hostages have no other hope of rescue, Rambo sets out into the heart of the jungle on a one-man mission to hell and back.
4 copies in store Thursday 19th June 2008!

Dark thriller starring Diane Lane. Within the FBI is a division dedicated to investigating and prosecuting criminals who commit crimes on the Internet. Two members of this division are Agents Jennifer Marsh (Lane) and Griffin Dowd (Colin Hanks). When an Internet predator begins displaying his brutal murders on his website, it's up to Marsh and her team to track him down before he kills again. Unfortunately, the fate of each of his victims is left in the hands of the public - the more hits his website gets, the quicker his victims die.
1 copy in store Thursday 19th June 2008!

Teen slasher film. Five years ago Bobby (Patrick Scott Lewis) went to prison after a prank he played in a graveyard ended in the death of one of his friends. Now he's out and his friends take him back to the area for a reunion where they can discuss the unresoved issues of the past. Then a mysterious masked killer shows up...
1 copy in store Thursday 19th June 2008!
Light-hearted rom-com starring Michelle Pfeiffer as a divorcee who falls for a younger man, just as her daughter is experiencing love for the first time. After years devoting herself to her career, Rosie (Pfeiffer) has finally met Adam (Paul Rudd), someone who ticks all her boxes - tall, dark, handsome... and young? At the same time, Rosie's teenager daughter Izzie (Saoirse Ronan), is beginning to feel something stirring everytime she runs into one of the local boys - could it be love? Things get even more complicated when Mother Nature (Tracey Ullman) appears on the scene, dispensing her mischief to one and all.
1 copy in store Thursday 19th June 2008!
Fantasy/adventure adaptation of the video game 'Dungeon Siege'. In the kingdom of Ehb, Farmer (Jason Statham) leads a simple life, eking out a living off the land, and providing for his family. But when the kingdom is invaded by the ruthless Gallian (Ray Liotta), who imprisons the King (Burt Reynolds) and abducts his wife Solano (Claire Forlani), Farmer sets out in hot pursuit.
1 copy in store Thursday 19th June 2008!